Lisa Torell

other works

Camoflage - Terrors of Daily Life /
Kamouflerad vardagsterror


Isolated sentences of our everyday life and speech. There are many ways of how to cover up for ourselves in our culture and language, to hide and make camouflage layers,to be smotth tongued and oily. Printed texts in frames combined with a painted structure on the walls and floor.

Documentation from
Kamouflerad vardagsterror Index Stockholm-03
Kamouflerad vardagsterror Galleri Wuthering Heights Malmö -04


English translation: William Jewson

Kamouflerad vardagsterror

In the upper gallery, Lisa Torell has produced a new work, "Kamouflerad vardagsterror" (Camoflage - Terrors of daily lifes), (2003), a series of fictive narratives presented as posters. These posters are further incorporated into a mural, designed to suit the upper gallery's character. In her text-based works, Lisa Torell comments on current behaviour, fragments from the present that we ourselves are part of and therefore, in equal parts, it is easy to accept, yet difficult to oversee and obtain a better understanding of. For example, work from her graduation show at Konstfack 2001, 'Mot en vackrare värld. -Vaddå emot?!' ('Meet a more beautiful world - what do you mean, you don't want to?!') works as a comment about labour market regulations in general, and the attitudes of the IT world in particular.

"Kamouflerad vardagsterror' constructs a series of episodic scenes where a subtle contempt for low-status work suddenly makes itself apparent. Lisa Torell went to art school in Umeå, 1996 - 1999 and Konstfack 1999 - 2001. Her work can currently be seen in the touring exhibition "Allt hör ihop" (Everything Belongs Together) at the Växsjö Arthall, as well as in the exhibition "Existens och Engagemang" (Existence and Engagement) at Cityhuset, Gubbängen.
For further information and press images, please contact Index.




